January is a time when many people remind themselves of the ideals that they want to live up to in the coming year. Mahatma Gandhi, who called himself a “practical idealist,” demonstrated what can be accomplished by someone who truly holds onto ideals! I love the way that Unitarian Universalism continually reminds us not to let our ideals get covered with the moss of habit or cynicism. Each of our seven principles is a shining ideal, and UUCGV offers us avenues to help bring them to life. These include projects that are directly part of UUCGV, such as teaching Religious Education or contributing to our Blessing Blox. They also include projects that individuals or groups from UUCGV can partner with. During our December 13 worship service, we heard inspirational talks from representatives of three organizations that UUCGV can partner with. Clara O’Connor spoke about the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, Emilee Brown spoke about The Wilderness Society’s 30 by 30 Campaign, and Stephania Vasconez spoke about Grand Junction Mutual Aid. As you consider what YOUR ideals are, consider also whether any of these projects will allow you to live into your ideals this year. If so, jump on in, and invite some of your UUCGV friends to join you!
~ Elizabeth High The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) is a statewide, membership-based coalition of immigrant, faith, labor, youth, community, business and ally organizations founded in 2002 to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees by making Colorado a more welcoming, immigrant-friendly state. CIRC achieves this mission through non-partisan civic engagement, public education, and advocating for workable, fair and humane immigration policies. [email protected] Mutual Aid Partners (MAP) is a network that supports and connects grassroots organizations on the Western Slope by facilitating communication, education, boosting collaboration, sharing resources & volunteers, and partnering on fundraising efforts. GJ Mutual Aid is for offering surplus items, requesting needed items, and sharing reliable information in Grand Junction and the surrounding areas. We are creating change in our community, and improving each other’s lives. We will get through this. [email protected] The Wilderness Society 30 by 30 Campaign Since 2001, Colorado has lost over a half-million acres of natural lands to development. If Colorado continues on the same path of nature loss compounded with climate change, we will experience ever-larger consequences on the landscapes and animals that are foundational to Colorado’s identity. With a prolonged fire season and the entire state facing drought, we must encourage bold leadership from Colorado’s elected officials on efforts to conserve the lands and waters that we cherish and can abate the threats of climate change. If there's one thing that unites Colorado, it's an abiding love for the outdoors. About 9 in 10 Coloradans regularly participate in outdoor recreation, supporting a half-million jobs and $62 billion to Colorado’s economy in 2017. Fortunately, there is an emerging, science-based global campaign working across local, state and international boundaries to accelerate the pace and scale of conservation to 30% of the planet by 2030. This is an ambitious goal, but a bipartisan majority of Coloradans – nearly three quarters – support setting a national goal of protecting 30 by 30. [email protected] |
June 2023