Religious Education

These are programs that teach our congregation about Unitarian Universalism and the UU belief system, as well as the traditions from which we draw our spiritual guidance. Click on the links or buttons below to see more detailed information.
Reverend Wendy Jones is our Minister. She is available for pastoral care at our building during her office hours and calls during her office hours. Wendy can also arrange other meeting times by appointment. Call the office, 970-257-0772.
Maya Kraushaar is our Director of Programming and Community Outreach. Please call the office at 257-0772 or email her at
Reverend Wendy Jones is our Minister. She is available for pastoral care at our building during her office hours and calls during her office hours. Wendy can also arrange other meeting times by appointment. Call the office, 970-257-0772.
Maya Kraushaar is our Director of Programming and Community Outreach. Please call the office at 257-0772 or email her at
Children's Religious Education (RE)
At UUCGV we offer Religious Education classes each Sunday for three different age groups: preschool, K-5, and teens (middle and high school). As a way for our children and youth to participate in our faith traditions, we encourage them to join us at the beginning of the service for gathering music, welcoming words, and the chalice lighting, after which they are sung to their classes. From 10:40-11:30 UUCGV RE teachers lead classes drawing from the Soul Matters curriculum while making use of creative activities including music, art, theater, and gardening. The Soul Matters curriculum presents the same themes the adults engage in during service in an age-appropriate format. Each month the RE team and minister prepare a special Service for All Ages to support the growth of intergenerational bonds within the congregation. On these Sundays the children and youth remain in the sanctuary with their caregivers and friends to enjoy and participate in the service. Our classes and services are designed to foster community, empathy, and a sense of social responsibility among our children and youth. If you have questions regarding the program, please contact Maya Kraushaar.
Adult Religious Education (Adult RE)
These groups meet at times other than Sunday mornings. The groups pick their own content materials. They are "groups" and can be found under the "Feed Your Soul" listing under “Adult RE.”