From Penny Hopkins, UUCGV Green Team Member Glass Half-Full Optimism - An Example of Creative RecyclingIn articles recently published by The Guardian and Business Insider's World Wide Waste series, we learn two newly graduated college students in Louisiana, Franziska Trautmann and Max Steitz, upon pitching an empty wine bottle into their recycle bin turned to the problem of recycling glass. They knew the United States only recycles about 25% compared to Europe's rate of 60-80%.
These young people wondered if glass could be recycled into beach quality sand to help restore Louisiana's badly eroding coastline. Using Go Fund Me, they began experimenting with pulverizing glass to make it more like beach sand. Beach sand is naturally rounded from tumbling in the water, while other types such as desert sand can't be used due to jagged edges. Many trials were held until the finished product met the necessary criteria to be environmentally correct, able to support native grasses and plants, as well as meet wildlife needs. At the same time, they developed a successful recycling program, Glass Half-Full, which grew to provide ample glass. Using social media, their unique idea soon obtained backing and gained momentum to the point they have already replaced some 15 tons of glass beach sand along the Louisiana coastline. This is part of a new movement on Tik Tok of environmentally concerned you people termed Climate Optimism. Climate Optimism means instead of focusing on what's wrong, finding ways we as individuals can take steps to make improvements. Kind of like lemons and lemonade. Sounds promising, doesn't it? Penny Hopkins, UUCGV Green Team Member Comments are closed.
June 2023